قراءات عشرہ متواترہ کےمنکرین کی تصریحاتایک تحقیقی مطالعہ


  • Dr Abdul Nasir Government College University, Faisalabad Author


It is a fact that the most important branch of the knowledge of the Qur’an is the difference of recitations.The sciences of the Qur’an completed until then unless the differences between the recitations of the Qur’an and its various causes and interpretive effects are explained. Commentary effects The meanings of many commentators and recitations have been explained by readers based on their breadth of knowledge.In this Article,a special event is kept in viww:on one side the scholars of Sunnis and on the other side the scholars of Shias. Most of the scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnah have been discussing the differences of readings and the Ahl-e-Tashua rarely discuss it. It is to be remembered that the scholars of the Shia generally follow the sayings of the “fourteen infallible Imams” and follow the recitations of the Qur’an which are proved by them. And on the basis of these recitation in prayer and all the rest of the recitations of the Qur’an should be Saheehah or Shazah: They do this for all of them.The majority of Sunnis Scholars agree that the recitations of the Qur’an are confirmed by the Messenger of Allah,so recitation in Prayer based on any correct recitation is valid. It should be clear that the Sunnnis are lenient about the difference in recitations, while the Ahl-e-Tashaua are strictly bound to their Immams in this regard.


