Originality and Plagiarism Policy

We uphold the paramount importance of originality to maintain the integrity of research published in Al Amin Journal. All submitted articles must represent the author’s original work and should not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere for publication.

Al Amin Journal strictly adhere to plagiarism guidelines provided by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, as outlined in their policy document: Plagiarism Policy. We employ plagiarism detection tools and rigorous editorial review processes to identify and rectify issues related to originality, including plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Authors are responsible for thoroughly reviewing and revising their work to ensure its originality before submission to Al Amin Journal.

In instances where AI-generated content is utilized, authors are required to disclose the involvement of AI tools and provide specifics about the tools employed. Transparency regarding the extent of AI participation ensures accurate representation of the contributions of human researchers. Al Amin Journal acknowledges the educational value of AI tools in research.https://www.hec.gov.pk/english/services/faculty/Documents/Plagiarism/Plagiarism%20Policy.pdf Al Amin Publishes only original research conducted by authors as mentioned in the author guideline. The allowed similarity index is less than 19%, as per HEC Pakistan’s policy.

Authors must not engage in plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Plagiarism is verbatim or near-verbatim copying, or paraphrasing without due modification, of text, data, or other material containing results of another person’s work, without explicitly identifying the source of such material. Similarly, self-plagiarism replicates the author’s previously published text or results without acknowledging the source. Exercising care for publishing only original research, editors of Al Amin are committed to deterring plagiarism and self-plagiarism. They may use special software to screen submitted manuscripts for similarity to previously published material. The manuscripts may be screened during the whole editorial cycle, including the submission process, and until the final publication in online or print form.

Ethical Guidelines

Authors must ensure informed consent, confidentiality, and proper data handling, including compliance with relevant legal and ethical regulations.

Authors should provide detailed information about their manuscripts' ethical considerations, consent process, and approval.

We emphasize originality, accurate reporting, and citation of sources to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Al Amin journal encourage authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research or its interpretation.

It is prohibited for an author to submit manuscripts describing essentially the same research to more than one Journal of primary publication unless it is a resubmission of a manuscript rejected for or withdrawn from publication. An author must organize his or her paper to provide a well-rounded description of the examined issue. Fragmentation of research reports excessively consumes journal space and unduly complicates literature research; therefore, authors are expected to avoid it whenever possible.