Guideline for Submission of Research Article

Guideline for Submission of Research Article:

  1. Unpublished articles on Islamic topics regarding given description can be submitted in any language of Urdu, English, and Arabic.
  2. Articles related to Islamic sciences will be included; the article will not be included containing material that contradicts the basic Islamic beliefs.
  3. Composed Articles to A4 size.
  4. Letter size is 14 points. The essay must be accompanied by an abstract in English which would be based on a style of 100 words including Key Word.
  5. Page margin right 2.5 left 1.0 up 1.0 down 2.0.
  6. The only articles can be published those which would be accompanied by a CD or have been sent by Email.
  7. Special attention should be paid to the footnotes, references, the order of the author's name, name of the book, printing name, place of printing, date of printing, and place will be written clearly.
  8. For any publication in Al-Amin Journal, the support of experts nominated by the organization is required and the organization will not accept the responsibility of returning the articles to the publishers of unpublishable articles.
  9. The editor will inform the essayists/writers of the opinions of the experts and if any change is required in the dissertation, the essayist will be informed accordingly.
  10. The article should not exceed 25pages in any case.
  11. Essays to be composed in Urdu program word.
  12. In case of publication, the link and E Copy of the journal will be sent to the author.
  13. Send your writings etc. to this address for publication in Al-Amin.

Contact: +92 41 111 111 883, +92-41-8750971-75 EXT: (461)

Mob: 03431587901, 03026040505, Email:

Address: The Chief Editor Al-Amin Journal, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Faisalabad, West Canal Road Qamar Garden Faisal Town, Faisalabad.

Frequency of Journal

Islamic Studies Research Journal “Al-Amin” is a Bi-annual Research Journal. Two issues in June and December are published yearly.